Oliver Wallace Diary
January 1908

Wed. Jan. 1, 1908 Fine. I butchered a beef today. Sold H. Bittikoffer 86 lb $3.87. Dr. for same. Pd. W. Tennant 92 lb. Dr. pd $5.06. Wm. Klinger 95 lb. Dr $5.22.
Thurs. Jan. 2, 1908 Fine. I took Wm. Klingers beef over to him & took F. Funk the beef hide. Got 4 1/2 cts for it. weighed 49 lb. $2.22. Eliza Jane Funk paid me 50 cts for pasture for the heifer we had over here to the bull.
Fri. Jan. 3, 1908 John & I husked some corn.
Sat. Jan. 4, 1908 I chored. John went to warsaw in the after noon. I gave him $2.00. Walter Tennant paid me $5.06 for 92 lb of beef, he got the first of the week.
Sun. Jan. 5, 1908 Fine. We went up to S. School. The School paid J. Koontz to take their pictures. J. Koontz & family were here for dinner.
Mon. Jan. 6, 1908 I wrote Etta a letter & sent her $12.00. John & I husked corn in the afternoon.
Tues. Jan. 7, 1908 Fine. John & I husked corn all day. Husked 32 shocks & halled the corn & fodder home. I went up to Art Anglins in the evening & took a calf from a cow for him. he paid me $1.00.
Wed. Jan. 8, 1908 Lib & I helped W. Tennant butcher. J. Harmon got my butchering tools.
Thurs. Jan. 9, 1908 John took a load of wheat to atwood. Wheat was 95 cts. My wheat was musty & they only offered me 70 cts. Did not sell it. Left it there in the sacks.
Fri. Jan. 10, 1908 Harve Shank stopped here to see me about his thrashing bill. He left the $3.00 that I owed him on the sow & pigs I got at the sale go on his thrashing. Me to pay the company the $3.00.
Sat. Jan. 11, 1908 Fine. We cleaned out the stables. Halled a load of wood. Halled a load of hay from the new barn to the old barn. I sent a sample of wheat up to Leesburg with John to P. Tompson. He is to fone me Monday what he will give me for it.
Sun. Jan. 12, 1908 Snowing. At home all day. The weather is bad.
Mon. Jan. 13, 1908 Nice. Chored. B. Gochenhour was up. He wanted us to help him butcher tomorrow. P. Tompson phoned me about my weath. He offered me 88 cts for it.
Tues. Jan. 14, 1908 Fine. Lib & I went down & helped B. Gochenhour butcher. John went to Atwood & got the wheat that he took down there & dident sell.
Wed. Jan. 15, 1908 Nice. I chored. John took 43 bu & 10 lb of wheat to Leesburg today. Sold it to P. Tompson at 90 cts after it was cleaned. He offered me 87 cts in the dirt or 90 cts cleaned. 
Thurs. Jan. 16, 1908 Lib & I went to warsaw. Paid Foke for 2 lard cans 50 cts. Pd Correll & shank for stabling horse 15 cts.
Fri. Jan. 17, 1908 16 deg above. We butchered 4 hogs today. Tennant & wife, B. Gochenhour & wife, Oscar Correll & his mother helped. John took 53 bu & 10 lb of wheat to Leesburg today.
Sat. Jan. 18, 1908 Gave Mary Wallace 70 cts. John took 75 bu & 40lb wheat. He drawed the money for this load $65.50. He spent for overs, cole oil & broom $5.50. I moved 6 of my shoats from the open by the old ice house to the old barn. H. Bittikoffer pd me $3.00 on beef.
Sun. Jan. 19, 1908 Fine. Went up to S. School. Paid 50 cts to the sextant collection.
Mon. Jan. 20, 1908 I helped John load a load of wheat & he took it up. Had on 60 bu & 40 lb. He got back about 1 o'clock & loaded up another load.
Tues. Jan. 21, 1908 Warm. John took 64 bu & 40 lb of wheat to leesburg. The roads thawed very near through. I helped Lib wash & do other work.
Wed. Jan. 22, 1908 John did not take any wheat today. The roads were too bad. We chored.
Thurs. Jan. 23, 1908 Snowing. John & I took a load of hay to the old barn & done the chores.
Fri. Jan. 24, 1908 John & I went up to Meeks & got a load of Ezras corn in the fore noon. John took a load of wheat to Leesburg in the afternoon. 60 bu & 10 lb. Cristal had a heifer calf last night.
Sat. Jan. 25, 1908 John took 61 bu 30 lb of wheat to Leesburg in the fore noon. He went to warsaw in the after noon. Gave him $10.00.
Sun. Jan. 26, 1908 Paul, Mary & Mom went to S. School. I was at home all day. Bessa Wolf came home with them. It got to snowing & Paul & Mary took her home in the evening.
Mon. Jan. 27, 1908 Stormy. We done the chores. I churned & helped Lib with the work. I took Paul & Mary to school
Tues. Jan. 28, 1908 John took 60 bu & 30 lb wheat to Leesburg. I done the chores.
Wed. Jan. 29, 1908 I went to warsaw. Paid Richardson for shoes $4.50. Pd the Globe for 3 shirts $1.35. Pd the globe on a watch $4.00, pd U.S. Express on Johns horn $2.50. I went with Ezra to Claypool to see a team. Came back & went out with him to Milo James. John took 62 bu & 40 lb of wheat to leesburg.
Thurs. Jan. 30, 1908 I went over to Corrells to see his sick mare. She was better. I helped John clean out the stables & took a load of hay to the old barn.
Fri. Jan. 31, 1908 John took the last load of wheat to Leesburg today. 64 lb in all. 535 bu & 30 lb. Settled for today $467.07 check on the Peoples Bank at Leesburg. Ezra & Em came out & we helped them butcher one of his hogs. He paid the meat back he had borrowed.