Oliver Wallace Diary
December 1904

Thurs. Dec. 1, 1904 I fed the corn husker today at J. Kirkandalls. Will Gokenhour husked corn for me today.
Fri. Dec. 2, 1904 I fed the corn husker 1/2 day today. Will Gokenhour husked corn for me today.
Sat. Dec. 3, 1904 I went to warsaw & settled for the husker. Gave my note to the state bank for $350.00 and F. Klinger 75.00 and the ballance cash $125.00 for total of $550.00. I gave the Globe $5.65 for a coat & a pair of mittens.
Sun. Dec. 4, 1904 At home all day.  
Mon. Dec. 5, 1904  Mama & I went up to Jeff Plummers to Barba Nellens funeral in the forenoon. I went hunting in the afternoon. Lib & John went to warsaw. I gave John $5.50. I gave my note to Mrs. Rarick for hay $52.00.
Tues. Dec. 6, 1904 I went down to Rube Hoffers & helped husk corn with the team. Got in 8 hours there.
Wed. Dec. 7, 1904 I lost a lamb last night. I skined it & fixed some fence in the forenoon. Halled out a load of manure & took some posts up between the wheat & the meddow.
Thurs. Dec. 8, 1904 I helped husk corn at Dave Hoffers. 
Fri. Dec. 9, 1904 I helped husk corn at Dave Hoffers & J. Blacks.
Sat. Dec. 10, 1904 Went up and doctored Art Anglins horse. Was up twise today.
Sun. Dec. 11, 1904  Was up to Art Anglins. Dock Maby was out & put him in slings. He got up himself.
Mon. Dec. 12, 1904 I helped Correll put a pipe down in the old well at his barn in the fore noon. I took Rev. Finks 2 cord of wood at $1.50 per cord $3.00 & one & 1/4 cords before this. $1.87 total. Dr. $4.87. 
Tues. Dec. 13, 1904 F. Correll & I went down to Rob Irvins & took the husker & engine to the thrasher shed in the fore noon. Went back in the after noon & put them in. H. Bowers helped in the afternoon.
Wed. Dec. 14, 1904  Chored in the fore noon. Helped on the thrasher shed in the afternoon. Took six lb of nails down of mine.
Thurs. Dec. 15, 1904 I took the cattle down to Miners on the (corn) stocks this morning. Lib & I went out to Sipe Rosses. I borrowed $50.00 of him for 90 days. We went from there to John Koontzes & got six turkeys at 14 1/2 cts per lb. They weighed 77 lb. I paid him $10.00.
Fri. Dec. 16, 1904 Lib & I went over to John Koontzes to the wommons aid. Got 2 more turkeys weighted 24 lb.
Sat. Dec. 17, 1904 John & I went down to the Irvin farm & got a load of wood. John halled a load in the afternoon. I went rabbit hunting. I gave Lib $10.00. Her & Etta & Paul went to warsaw.
Sun. Dec. 18, 1904  At home all day. Lib & Etta went down to Marion Hiways.
Mon. Dec. 19, 1904 John & I took 7 lambs to warsaw to Gus Myers at $6.00 per hundred. Weighed 710 lb. Brought $43.50. Paid the Globe $13.85 for John an over coat & 2 pair of over halls & 2 pair of mittens. Lib & Etta came home today.
Tues. Dec. 20, 1904  I helped F. Correll put down a pump today. David Pellett was up. Brought some Globe tickets up. $2.00 worth. Lib & Affa went to warsaw today.
Wed. Dec. 21, 1904 Correll & Bill Gochenhour was here till noon. I chored in the afternoon. John Harman came up & we went over to F. Corrells & settled our thrashing & work the company owed me. $31.69 I owed the Co. minus 26.24 leaves $5.45 pd.
Thurs. Dec. 22, 1904 I helped Bill Gochenhour butcher today. Mom & Affa went to warsaw. 
Fri. Dec. 23, 1904 I went down to the Irvin farm after a load of wood. Took it up to Rev. Fink 1 1/4 cord. I settled with Ed Whetstone. I owed him $3.36 cts.
Sat. Dec. 24, 1904 W. J. Banks got 2 bales of hay, 195 lb. 95 cts Dr for the same & 5 cts on what he got before. Total $1.00. Lib & Paul went to Warsaw.
Sun. Dec. 25, 1904  At home all day except we went over to Corrells in the afternoon a while.
Mon. Dec. 26, 1904 Chored.
Tues. Dec. 27, 1904 Correll & I went to George Easterly sale. I bought a cow. 
Wed. Dec. 28, 1904 Lib & I went to Atwood. Mom gathered tickets. I paid John Schooley for the thrasher co. $11.25 for work. I paid George Easterly for cow. $23.56.
Thurs. Dec. 29, 1904 I thawed the pump at the old Barn. I gave Lib $5.00. Her, Paul & Mary went to warsaw to gather piano tickets.
Fri. Dec. 30, 1904 (no entry -page missing)
Sat. Dec. 31, 1904 (no entry -page missing)