Oliver Wallace Diary
August 1904

Mon. Aug. 1, 1904 Went to warsaw. Paid Wm Conrad & Son $2.10 for resetting 2 tires & shoeing ned. Paid Levy 40 cts for beef. I paid Grabner .50 cts for 5 lb of hard oil for the thrashing machine Co.
Tues. Aug. 2, 1904 At home all day. John and the girls went to Warsaw to the show. I went hunting. Got 2 fox squirls & one piny. 
Wed. Aug. 3, 1904 I went to Warsaw took 13 chickens over. Sold them to Levy at 7 1/4 per lb. Brought $6.00. I bought a second hand buggy of W. Conrad to pay him 30 dollars for it & give him my old one.
Thurs. Aug. 4, 1904 I went down to CoPeppers to see his Colt.
Fri. Aug. 5, 1904 I went over to F. Smiths to see about the Brake the boys had. Phil Banks & I. Phill Banks & I went to warsaw & ordered repairs for the machine.
Sat. Aug. 6, 1904 I helped fix up the thrashing machine today. We got it fixed & thrashed one load for J. T. Smith & moved down to Elah Smiths.
Sun. Aug. 7, 1904 We went over to H. Bowers.
Mon. Aug. 8, 1904 John & I helped Cal Smith thrash oats abut 9 hoours with the team. We helped C. Powell from 6 oclock till night with team. Etta & Affa went to warsaw. I gave them $4.00. I went dow & salted my cattle in the fore noon.
Tues. Aug. 9, 1904 John & I helped C. Powell thrash from morning till 6 in the evening. John helped Meeks the rest of the day.
Wed. Aug. 10, 1904 John helped Meeks finish thrash. I went to warsaw after belting for the thrashing machine. 12 ft 10 in by 4 = $2.80.
Thurs. Aug. 11, 1904 Lib, Etta & Affa & I went to Blands to the Reunion. About 50 there.
Fri. Aug. 12, 1904 We helped Fred Rink thrash after supper.
Sat. Aug. 13, 1904 John & I helped Fred Rink Renkberger & Correll thrash. We thrashed 489 bu & it rained. We had 4 loads left. Got them all in the drye.
Sun. Aug. 14, 1904 At home all day. Bill Gochenhours was up here.
Mon. Aug. 15, 1904 They finished thrashing for me. Thrashed 132 bu for me today making 612 bu in all. Thrashed for B. Banks & J. Harman the rest of the day.
Tues. Aug. 16, 1904 John & I helped J. Corkondall thrash till noon then went down & helped George Dawson about 1/4 day with team.
Wed. Aug. 17, 1904 I went with F. Correll to Atwood. John helped Rob Irvin thrash oats 1/2 day with team. Him & I helped Zed Campbell thrash 1/2 day with team. Dr for the same. We fetched the machine up & put it in Bankses barn.
Thurs. Aug. 18, 1904 It rained a little this morning.
Fri. Aug. 19, 1904 Rained all day. Correll & I went down to Irvins & tried to buy corn of Mrs. Irvin. We dident get any. We went over to Cal Smiths & tried to buy his hogs. Dident get them.
Sat. Aug. 20, 1904 I went up to Rev. Hilbs to see his horse it had the collick. Paid W. Conrad & Son $30.00 for buggy. I went to warsaw in the afternoon. Paid J. Watson for medicine 25 cts. Paid the Globe for 2 pair of over halls $.75. Paid Wimer 15 cts for Bananas. We had thrasher meeting this evening.
Sun. Aug. 21, 1904 We went up to Sunday School. Went to Church at night. Revised the Class Book.
Mon. Aug. 22, 1904 John & I went over to Fred Rinks after seed wheat. Dident get any. I went over to Millards in the afternoon & bought 30 bu of him at $1.10 per bu to get it Friday.
Tues. Aug. 23, 1904 Lib, Paul, Mary & I went to the Irvin farm to pick pears. We picked about 1 bu. We stade their for dinner. Ant Sophia was their. We came home & got the ladder & went back & picked about 4 1/2 bu.
Wed. Aug. 24, 1904 I helped get poles for the thrasher shed. We got it partly built today. We gave R. Irvin a job of building it to give him $10.00. Work on shed $1.00. Halling one load of lumber. $4.00
Thurs. Aug. 25, 1904 Rain. Paul & I took 3 8x20 & 1 10 x 20 plank down to the thrasher shed. 116 ft at 22 cts $1.39. Rob Wallace & Marshall came down to hunt.
Fri. Aug. 26, 1904 Paul & I went over to M. F. Wallaces after seed wheat. Got 32 bu 15 lbs . To pay him $1.10 per bu for it. Gave John 75 cts to get plow point & groceries of Whetstone.
Sat. Aug. 27, 1904 I went down to the Irvin farm & finished picking pears. Lib took Ant Sophia over to Hughs. I sent M. F. Wallace $35.25 for the wheat I bought of him.
Sun. Aug. 28, 1904 At home all day. Ezras was out here today.
Mon. Aug. 29, 1904 I went over to Corrells then down to P. Bankses to see him about the thrasher shed. Him & I went down to J. Harmans. I mowed weeds in the afternoon.
Tues. Aug. 30, 1904 I got a load of corn of George Bittikoffer. 42 1/2 bu at 45 cts $19.12. Dr to Correll for the corn. I sold Gus Myers 10 head of hogs at 5.95 to take them to warsaw tomorrow. I fixed up the hog shoot & sorted them in the afternoon.
Wed. Aug. 31, 1904 I took 10 head of hogs to warsaw to Gus Myers weighed 1890 at 5.95. $99.79. I paid Richardson & Co. $2.00 for me shoes. Paid J. Grabner 65 cts for plow points. 10 cts for Bananas.